This methode can be performed well in your lab. Enjoy it...
1. Add 1 bacterial-colony from a plate to a culture tube with 5-10ml medium with antibiotics and shake ON at 37°C.
3. Prepare bacterial pellet by centrifuging 10min; 3000rpm on RT
4. Resuspend in 200ml 1x Maxi-prep
5. Add 400ml 0.2M NaOH/1%SDS and shake
(400ml 5M NaOH/500ml 20%SDS in 10ml)
6. Leave 5-10 min on RT
7. Add 200ml 3M NaAc pH4.8 and mix
8. Spin directly for 10min on RT
9. Discard supernatant in new tube
10. Add 0.6xVolume of isopropanol to the supernatant and mix
11. Spin directly for 3min on RT
12. Take of the supernatant, dry pellet and dissolve pellet in 200µl TE or dH20 with 1mg RNase (stock 10mg/ml) and leave 30min on 37°C
13. Add 200ml phenol/chloroform, mix gently and spin 5min; 13krpm on RT
14. Take of the water phase and add 1/10Volume 2M NaAc and 0.6xVolume isopropanol (You also can use 2xVolume ice cold 100% EtOH, mix and store for a while in -20°C)
15. Centrifuge 15min; max speed on RT
16. Wash pellet with 70%EtOH
17. Centrifuge 5min; max speed on RT
18. Dry pellet and resuspend in TE or dH20
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